Learning Indicators in Upper Secondary Education for the Training in Sustainable Development Through Virtual Environments
sustainable development, educational competence, active learning methodology, learning indicatorAbstract
As part of the analysis of the learning experience in the context of the course of “Ecology and Sustainable Development” in the upper middle level of the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, the follow up results of the learning evidence are shown, generated in the virtual environments through the application of learning indicators adapted to the course from January to June 2020. The first part of the article reassures the importance of the education for the sustainable development in the current days, followed by the transcendence of the indicators in the focus of competences in the educational level, as well as the application of educational strategies related with the teaching of sustainable development. The varied amount of information generated in the virtual environments allows the design and analysis of learning indicators that can provide key information for the planning, monitoring and evaluation in the given in the higher and upper middle education.
Translated by Rafael Guzmán de Luna
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