Flipped Classroom: An Educational Model Centered in the Students
flipped classroom, active learning, translated teaching, ICT, effective learning, teacher-student interactionAbstract
Teaching technologies have drastically changed during the last 15 years. As the new technologies are becoming more available, they are integrated to the innovation of education in an attempt to improve traditional teaching. Flipped Classroom is one of the most recent and popular teaching approaches that relies on the use of technology. Flipped classroom was introduced by the professors Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams from the Woodland Park Institute in Colorado in the United Stated in 2007 (Bergmann and Sams, 2012). The basic principles of Flipped Classroom consist on providing online content outside the classroom and motivating active learning in the classroom through activities provided by the teacher in class for the application of concepts.
Translated by Adán Israel Vázquez Alba

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