Technologies for Education in the UAA
educational technology, ICT, higher educationAbstract
When talking about the way technology has been used in the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, we have to acknowledge the multiple efforts that have been done for years at an institutional, departmental, and individual level (mainly from the teachers) to incorporate it in the teaching and learning processes, aiming to improve them. Although, most of such efforts have largely corresponded to intentions stemming from state, national, and international agreements. It is mainly the teachers who have had to proceed in diverse forms to integrate different technologies to its practice; sometimes with good results, and some others with results that could improve. Also, it is important to recognize that students have joined this effort and, of course, the disposition of educational authorities for the correct utilization of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the different educational processes. The purpose of this article is, therefore, to explore in which ways access has been provided and technologies have been used through time in our highest house of studies.
Translated by Mario Alejandro López De Luna
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