Art as a key to women's rights: More than a kiss. Stories of women and feminism in Aguascalientes




art, women, feminisms, Aguascalientes, women's rights


Much of the existed social supports of inequalities are in the cultural assets as a means of consolidating narratives that were pre-approved by power groups. These assets permeate the collective consciousness and its imaginary. The different portraits that are shown in the various cultural expressions displayed a pre-approved aspirational vision and a hierarchical established in the social structure. 

The purpose of this article is to address more broadly the postulates mentioned throughout the book entitled More than a kiss. Stories of women and feminisms in Aguascalientes which aims to make visible and to disseminate the contributions of women to the cultural, social and economic life of the state of Aguascalientes. By the collection of anecdotes, stories, narratives, or essays about women who, from the perspective of other women, must be remembered in that unwritten history, the project shows diverse narratives. From here we seek dignify the lives of women, what the law formally intends, but it has not materially satisfied.


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How to Cite

Godina Machado, I. V., & López Serna, M. L. (2022). Art as a key to women’s rights: More than a kiss. Stories of women and feminism in Aguascalientes. Arte, Imagen Y Sonido, 2(4), 38–50.



Research articles