The aquaculture policy: A policy tool for regional development?
Political will, institutional development, mastering the technological package, institutional building among aquicultural actorsAbstract
To materialize the considerable aquiculture potential
within the states of Mexico is not an imposible
task, provided that the correct order of the
technological package for the specie to be produced
is duly followed. The success in aquiculture
is not the result of concentrating actions pertaining
to the old economic geography (abundance
of natural resources), or in the persistence of
the belief that its innovation depends only of what
is achieved in the laboratory. On the contrary, it
is a process of independent and complementary
actions, whose starting point requires that the biological
cycle of the specie to be grown is mastered.
The following actions are intended to transfer
such technological package to the productive
sector, where it will unfold its industrial scale.
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Copyright (c) 2011 Sergio Rosales Inzunza, Víctor Antonio Acevedo Valerio
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