About the Journal

Approach and Scope

Objective and information

The objective of this editorial space is to disseminate the thought and practice of history to the university student community, as well as to provide an academic means of dialogue for it.

In this way, Horizonte Histórico becomes a space in which students from different institutions of higher education can publish their academic works, under the condition that their subject matter is related to history.

Horizonte Histórico is not attached to any specific branch of history, as long as the texts comply with a serious methodology according to our editorial guidelines.


Horizonte Histórico is aimed directly at a specialized and non-specialized public in the study of history, since its contents include academic and historical popularization texts. It aims to reach undergraduate and graduate students and researchers in any discipline who find in any of the published works a source of consultation or reading of interest for their own research, as well as readers who are fond of History.


The central discipline of this journal is History, also linking the professional and scientific study of it in an interdisciplinary manner with other related fields of knowledge, especially those related to the Social Sciences and Humanities, but without excluding the rest. In general, any text whose central theme of study is the historical processes of the past linked to any scientific area is subject to publication in Horizonte Histórico.

As for the lines of historical work, the accepted works have dealt with the topics set by issue, so that articles on different types of history can be found: social, gender, women, daily life, politics, military, emotions, etc. There are also texts on the Philosophy of History and Historiography.

Ethical Commitment

Revista Horizonte Histórico follows the guidelines of the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (COPE). We are committed to maintaining high ethical standards in all aspects of our editorial process, ensuring transparency, research integrity, and respect for academic freedom. This commitment seeks to ensure quality and ethical rigor in every publication we share with our academic community.

Admission of papers

Papers should be sent as an attachment to the e-mail address horizontehistorico@hotmail.com.

If you have any doubts, please send a message to the journal's e-mail address and review the section on submissions where the guidelines for authors are indicated.

Elaboration of bibliographic references

Horizonte Histórico works with the citation system Chicago 17th edition, for this reason it is requested that all submissions comply with such requirements. The following are examples of how to cite.


Last name, Full name. Title: Subtitle [in italics]. City: Publisher, year of publication. url or doi [if you have either].

Chapters of books

First name Last name, “Title essay or chapter”, in Full title, edited by First name and Last name (City of publication: Publisher, year), page or pages consulted, url or doi [if you have either].

Journal articles

First name Last name, “Title of article: Subtitle”, Title of Journal volume* , no. xx (year): page or pages consulted, url or doi [if you have either].

  • Neither the word volume nor the abbreviation vol. is used; it is only indicated (when present) with the corresponding Arabic numeral. On the other hand, the number of the journal is indicated by the abbreviation n.º.


For Internet citations, it will be required that it be a site specialized in the subject and supported by an institution dedicated to the dissemination or professional research of the same. The citation will be made as follows: Author's name, title of the text, web page and date of consultation; or, as the Chicago system 17th edition demands.


Chicago does not have a homogeneous model for citing files. However, it is recommended that the following examples be followed:

  • Archivo Histórico Ferroviario. Railroad Museum of Madrid. Documentary series MZA. Commercial Service, boxes 345-387.
  • National Historical Archive. Ministry of Justice, Reg. Property 398, file 620, file number 16.533, file 0031. Ministry of Justice, Magistrates and Judges, 4986, file 18825. Ministry of Finance, 5386-2, file 26.

The important thing here is to start from the general to the particular (starting with the File and ending with the file or box number); trying to provide sufficient information for the correct consultation of them in case the reader wishes to do so.


In addition to bibliographical references, the History contemplates the obligatory use of footnotes and citations arranged with Arabic numerals in consecutive order. In addition, the first time a work is cited (whether book, chapter, journal, etc.), the full name must be added. Subsequent citations to the same work should be abbreviated. The following is an example of a book citation:

  • Footnote
    • Pedro Barceló, Breve historia de Grecia y Roma, 2nd ed. (Madrid: Alianza, 2001).
  • Abbreviated note
    • Barceló, Breve historia..., 58-60.
      • The ellipses (...) are necessary because they indicate that the title of the work is abbreviated.
  • Bibliographical reference
    • Barceló, Pedro. Breve historia de Grecia y Roma. 2nd ed. Madrid: Alianza, 2001.

NOTE: Since Chicago no longer admits the use of Ibid. and Ibidem, neither does the journal Horizonte Histórico. In case the author is used to it, its modification is requested. The same applies to Op. Cit.

Some considerations for oral quotations and images

  • Oral quotations are the responsibility of the author.
  • Articles may include images, but they must be correctly referenced without violating any rights of the author(s): the name of the work, the author and year of production; or, failing that, the name of the file, background, etc.; or, the above data together with the description of the image, the link from where it was obtained and the date of consultation.

Original articles

In order to accept and publish any submission, it is mandatory that it has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the editor). In other words, Horizonte Histórico will consider unpublished and original papers.

Frequency of publication

Horizonte Histórico is a biannual journal published twice a year (January-June and July-December). It has been published since 2009.

Open Access policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Horizonte Histórico does not and will not charge any subscription fees to its readers, nor to authors for submitting, processing or publishing their articles.

Copyright policy

The copyright of any article in Horizonte Histórico rests with the author(s). As a condition of publication, authors agree to release their copyright under a shared license, specifically the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license.

Plagiarism detection

Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical editorial conduct and is unacceptable. Consequently, any manuscript that incurs 20% or more similarity to other published texts will be rejected and not considered for publication. The iThenticate software will be used for originality review.

Interoperability protocols

This digital journal, being hosted and published from the Open Journal System (OJS), implements the OAI-PMH protocol (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting), a harvesting protocol for metadata exchange based on the Dublin Core schema.

This can be checked using the OAI-MPH Validator (https://validator.oaipmh.com/), using the following URL:

OAI-PMH URL: https://revistas.uaa.mx/index.php/horizontehistorico/oai

Also, it can be checked:


Digital preservation policies

Horizonte Histórico protects each digital file. Thus, copying and modification of the files is restricted. Instead, only downloading and printing are allowed.

Archiving systems

Horizonte Histórico backs up its publications in the CLOCKSS, LOCKSS and PKP PN archiving systems: https://revistas.uaa.mx/index.php/horizontehistorico/gateway/lockss 


Facebook: Horizonte Histórico

Email: horizontehistorico@hotmail.com