Debt and health: two related concepts in the development of socioeconomic thinking
economic psychology, indebtedness, economic behavior, economic literacy, healthAbstract
Being in debt is a condition generated through access to goods and services by means of credit. In the culture of indebtedness, psychological and cognitive factors are involved that compromise the physical and mental well-being of people, therefore, economic behavior will be influenced by the understanding of the socioeconomic environment, as well as by skills, attitudes and motivations towards debt, among other. The aim of this work is to find the meanings associated with the concept of indebtedness during the “Buen Fin” weekend of 2017, in the general population of the city of Morelia, Michoacán. A descriptive study was carried out based on the application of natural semantic networks on the concept of indebtedness, with 39 participants between 19 and 75 years of age. 113 defining words were obtained, of which 9 had the highest semantic weight, 7 of them refer to financial aspects and 2 to psychological aspects related to health. Final reflections suggest that the concepts of indebtedness are possibly influenced by the experiences derived from economic behavior and its consequences. In this context, the relationship between finances and health predominates.
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