Results of an intervention for the family reintegration of minors in State custody


  • Ruth Vallejo Castro Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
  • Cinthya Berenice Rodríguez Piedra Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo



intervention program, minors, family reintegration, famili life diary


This work shows the results obtained in the execution of an intervention program created for the reintegration of children and adolescents from the DIF Michoacán System, in families that have requested their reintegration. In the execution of the program, activities aimed at facilitating the reintegration of minors were implemented. We worked with 15 families, during the monthly meetings of family coexistence with the best in custody established by the state DIF. The implementation of the activity called Family life diary allowed to capture the significant experiences occurred during the activities carried out, promoting the development of an emotional bond between participants. We conclude that reinsertion occurs in a better way to the extent that the family nucleus and the minor are previously prepared to form a new family system, since the child can previously elaborate the trauma that he has been carrying from his origin family.


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How to Cite

Vallejo Castro, R., & Rodríguez Piedra, C. B. . (2019). Results of an intervention for the family reintegration of minors in State custody. Investigación Y Práctica En Psicología Del Desarrollo, 5, 75–96.



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