Habilidades sociales: diferencias entre adolescentes institucionalizados y adolescentes que viven con padres
social skills, adolescence, institutionalization, foster home, familiyAbstract
Research and theories about human development give us an account of the problems that arise in each period of life. In this research, the primary interest is adolescence. One of the areas of greatest difficulty in this period is the development of social skills and its impact on interpersonal relationships. Currently, in the mass media we are faced with the fact that adolescents in our population are victims of social networks that lead them to violent behavior towards themselves, their classmates or their own family. This tells us about the serious conflict that is occurring at a social level regarding being able to understand what the other person is living and feeling, as well as the little tolerance that one has regarding the other. That is why the importance of the research carried out in this regard and its dissemination is important. The aim of this study is to analyze whether there are significant differences in the development of social skills such as empathy and tolerance of frustration in two groups of adolescents: the first group is made up of adolescents who live in family homes because they have been withdrawn from their homes of origin due to various circumstances and the second group is made up of adolescents who live with their parents and who are studying.
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