Social capital and positive profesional expectations in college students
social capital, positive professional expectations, college students, grade point average, perceived social classAbstract
The study of the university stage as a key moment in personal development and as a precedent for working life has gained relevance in recent years. Social capital and professional expectations are variables that are related to the students becoming actors in the labor field. However, little is known about the relationship between these variables and the way in which they affect the university experience. This study is aimed at exploring the correlation between social capital and positive professional expectations in university students through a self-administered questionnaire in a sample of 571 students from the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. The questionnaire had 43 questions that measured social capital and positive professional expectations, including scalar and nominal items, open questions, and free descriptors. It was found that social capital and positive professional expectations are related to variables such as perceived social class, academic average or work situation. Based on these results, we reflect on the different implications and scope of the study.
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