Journals classification

According to the "Policies and guidelines for the creation and edition of academic journals of the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes", these are classified under three typologies:

By management or ownership:

Student journals. These are those in which students play an active role, either as managers, authors or both.
Journals dependent on Academic Centers. Refers to journals whose management is in charge of academics belonging to one of the ten Academic Centers or their departments.
Journals under the responsibility of the General Directorates. The management of these journals is the responsibility of the administrative staff of one of the seven General Directorates or their departments.
Journals published interinstitutionally. The UAA, through one of its academic or administrative departments, participates jointly with other institutions in the edition and management of the journal.

By its purpose:

Research journals. Their purpose is to disseminate the knowledge resulting from a methodological research process, mainly among the academic world and specialized public.
Dissemination journals. They contribute to disseminate knowledge from the idea of general culture. They are aimed at a broader, non-specialized public.

Due to their publication format:

Electronic and printed.