The rebellion of the pasquines in Arequipa, 1780


  • Ana Cecilia Choque Carmona Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Unidad Iztapalapa, México



In the mid-eighteenth century a series of reforms were established in the Viceroyalty of Peru. Because of these, the city of Arequipa made various claims, both peaceful and violent. What were the reasons that lead a city classified as "Very noble and very loyal" revolted against the monarchy? Was it a desire for independence? Or, were there particular interests at stake?

For this, it is proposed an approach to the predominant thoughts of the aggrieved sectors -hacendados and commercial bourgeoisie-, considering the internal and external factors that could lead the population of Arequipa to rebellion.


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Author Biography

Ana Cecilia Choque Carmona, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Unidad Iztapalapa, México

Student of the Seventh Quarter of the Degree In History of the UAM.



How to Cite

Choque Carmona, Ana Cecilia. 2019. “The Rebellion of the Pasquines in Arequipa, 1780”. Horizonte Histórico - Semester Journal for Students of the UAA’s Bachelor’s Degree in History, no. 18 (January):38-47.