Evolution and approach of the concept of the quality life in the New Urban Agenda Habitat III


  • Armando Baltazar Universidad Autónoma de Baja California


Well-being, quality of life, New Urban Agenda , evoloution


The quality of life is an ideal state of personal well-being that encompasses various objective and subjective dimensions, influenced by social, economic, and environmental factors at both individual and collective levels. These dimensions are universal and indiscriminate, but the attribution of value is individual and can therefore vary between individuals. The purpose of this essay is to address the emergence of the conceptualization of “quality of life” through a chronology and historical background that emerged in the 20th century. By conducting a literature review using databases such as Scopus, Scielo, Google Scholar, Redalyc, and a sequence of events, the most relevant findings regarding its construct in the decades of the 20th century are outlined. Additionally, the approach to “quality of life” in the objectives of the “New Urban Agenda Habitat III” and the “Regional Action Plan for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean 2016-2036” is analyzed.


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How to Cite

Baltazar, A. (2024). Evolution and approach of the concept of the quality life in the New Urban Agenda Habitat III . Artificium, 2(6). Retrieved from https://revistas.uaa.mx/index.php/artificio/article/view/6076


