Parameters of the built environment and its impact on human well-being. Theory and application of measurement methods and tools.




Built environment, human being, well being, measurment tools, evidence-based design


The built environment and its impact on human well-being and health are analyzed in this article. The aim is to identify the parameters of the environment that influence well-being, how they are measured, and their relationship with health. To achieve this, a literature review was conducted using the WOS database between 2008 and 2018. In the analysis of environmental parameters, there is a limited connection between studies on materials and human beings, with little emphasis on biophilia and form. Concerning the human aspect, there is a greater number of psychological studies compared to biological studies.
Additionally, the article presents six empirical investigations conducted between 2018 and 2022. These cases attempt to correlate the psychological and biological effects of the built environment in order to relate individuals’ reported measurements with physiological measurements.
The article concludes that this line of research is essential for strengthening both data generation and evidence-based design in the built environment. It highlights the need to comprehensively address the relationship between human beings and their built environment to enhance the well-being and health of people.


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How to Cite

Araya León, M. J., Abella García, A., Guasch Ceballos, R., & Peña Andrés, J. (2023). Parameters of the built environment and its impact on human well-being. Theory and application of measurement methods and tools. Artificium, (4).


