The social construction of inhabiting. The reproduction of the Statu quo


  • María Alejandra Núñez Villalobos Colegio de México



habitus, residential choice, residence mobility, culture


Urban access has been broadly discussed. The dialogue centers on how individuals are limited mainly because of economic conditions that impact heavily on families with lower income.

However, the less fortunate are even more restricted to social structures. In other words, the inequity conditions exist not only in an uneven income distribution but also in what has been built socially, culturally, and historically as consumption practices.

The objective of this article is to show that hosing choice is not only the result of disbursement of economic resources available, but also that the consumption of housing is also the result of what has been socially and culturally built as ways of living in each of the families and social fields.


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Author Biography

María Alejandra Núñez Villalobos, Colegio de México

Arquitecta por la Universidad de Guadalajara (1998), Maestra en Urbanismo y Desarrollo por la misma casa de estudios (2011) y Doctora en Estudios Urbanos y Ambientales por el Colegio de México, cuenta con 8 años de experiencia en la administración pública municipal en el área de obra pública, licencias de construcción y planeación urbana. Participó como Auxiliar de Investigación en los proyectos financiados por Conacyt “Oferta de suelo urbano formal para vivienda. Área metropolitana de Guadalajara 1988-2006” y “Renovación de asentamientos humanos consolidados. En busca de una nueva generación de políticas públicas”. Ha sido ponente en congresos nacionales e internacionales en temas sobre vivienda, movilidad residencial y política pública habitacional.



How to Cite

Núñez Villalobos, M. A. (2020). The social construction of inhabiting. The reproduction of the Statu quo. Artificium, (2), 26–37.


