Fear of infection and immunization status among nurses in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico



Nursing, Fear, Pandemics, COVID-19


Introduction: Fear is a normal reaction to crisis, in the nursing staff this fear was triggered by the COVID-19 disease, the feeling of fear could be influenced by the immunization status of the nurses. Objetive: To determine the level of fear of contracting COVID-19 in public hospital nurses and its association with current vaccination status. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 129 Mexican nurses working in public hospitals. The Fear of COVID-19 Scale was used as an instrument. Data were analyzed for correlations with Spearman’s correlation coefficient for numerical variables and Chi-square for categorical variables. Results: Fear of COVID-19 was not found to be associated with nurses’ immunization status, however, it is associated with the death of a loved one and those of a person with whom they live or share a household. Conclusion: There is fear of COVID-19 among Mexican nurses working in public hospitals, regardless of the area in which they work.


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How to Cite

González-Soto, C. E., & Cárdenas-Rodríguez, M. L. (2024). Fear of infection and immunization status among nurses in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico. Lux Médica, 19(57). Retrieved from https://revistas.uaa.mx/index.php/luxmedica/article/view/4648

