Effect of a nutritional bar on serum glucose levels


  • María Fernanda González-Martínez UAA
  • Karla Paola González-Martínez UAA
  • María Dolores González-Cabello UAA
  • Yatziry Yahel Plascencia-Esquivias UAA
  • Alexandra Chávez-Esparza UAA
  • Laura Alejandra Ramírez-Herna UAA
  • Judith Martín del Campo Cervantes Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes




type two diabetes, nutritional bar, oats, wheat bran. hyperglycemia


Introduction: Type two diabetes is a worldwide health problem, in Mexico 10.6% of the population has diabetes and in the last five years it has been the second cause of death in the state of Aguascalientes.  Oatmeal and wheat bran are a low-glycemic index fiber source. Cranberries and almonds may have a beneficial effect on serum glucose levels. Objective: To evaluate the variation of serum glucose levels after the consumption of a nutritional bar. Material and methods: 32 participants were studied, they were divided into two groups, one group consumed an oatmeal bar and the other one a wheat bran bar, fasting and postprandial (two hours) blood glucose levels were evaluated. Results: The average postprandial glucose of the group that consumed the wheat bran bar (90.43 mg / dL ± 7.08 mg / dL) was lower than the one presented by the group that consumed the oatmeal bar (95.37 mg / dL ± 9.09 mg / dL), without finding significant differences between bars (t = 1.713, p = 0.097). Conclusion: The consumption of a nutritional bar (oatmeal or wheat bran) doesn´t cause a significant postprandial increase in serum glucose. The consumption of this nutritional bars can be recommended in people with diabetes according with these results.


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Author Biography

Judith Martín del Campo Cervantes, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

Departamento de Nutrición. Centro de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes



How to Cite

González-Martínez, M. F., González-Martínez, K. P., González-Cabello, M. D., Plascencia-Esquivias, Y. Y. ., Chávez-Esparza, A., Ramírez-Herna, L. A., & Martín del Campo Cervantes, J. (2022). Effect of a nutritional bar on serum glucose levels. Lux Médica, 17(49). https://doi.org/10.33064/49lm20223376

