Environmentalism and animalism. From the tension between ethical-political spectrums to the intersection of critical approaches


  • Ernesto Cabrera García Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala




In this work I will address the contemporary discussion between environmentalism and animalism, both understood as ethical-political spectrums that respond to various problems related to the devastation of natural spaces and the subjection of nonhuman animals. We will try to explain the tension between these two spectrums at the theoretical, ethical and practical level, some proposals that seek convergence and, finally, the possibility of an overlapping consensus as critical approaches to the hegemonic model of anthropocentric and speciesist civilization. Also, we will try to explain the necessary convergence of both critical approaches in relation to certain practices that involve ecosystem degradation and animal exploitation at the same time.


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How to Cite

Cabrera García, E. (2024). Environmentalism and animalism. From the tension between ethical-political spectrums to the intersection of critical approaches. Euphyía, 18(34), 215–242. https://doi.org/10.33064/34euph7536