Epistemology and critical reflection in the evaluation of Nursing theories: challenging paradigms and building knowledge





Knowledge in Nursing, Nursing, Epistemology, Scientific method


Introduction: The analysis and evaluation of scientific knowledge in Nursing, including its origin, development, forms, and impact on decision-making, are essential for validation. The evolution and transmission of this knowledge, at both individual and social levels, are highlighted, considering the influence of philosophy, science, and culture. The role of scientific knowledge in technological and social progress is explored, along with posestructuralist criticism questioning its objectivity and universality. The influence of language on the social construction of knowledge is emphasized. Objective: To propose a critical evaluation of scientific knowledge in Nursing from posestructuralist perspectives. Methodology: Critical review, analysis, and reflection on theory and scientific knowledge in Nursing from a posestructuralist perspective. Three strategies (Fawcett, Chinn and Kramer, Meleis) are presented for analyzing and evaluating Nursing theories. Results: From a posestructuralist perspective, scientific knowledge is analyzed, influenced by linguistic and discursive practices. Michel Foucault's vision of “regimes of truth” and the relationship between knowledge and power are considered, highlighting the posestructuralist preference for recognizing diverse perspectives. In the field of Nursing, scientific knowledge and the importance of validating the discipline globally are addressed, emphasizing Jacqueline Fawcett’s organizational proposal. Conclusion: A critical and reflective evaluation of scientific knowledge in Nursing was proposed in practice, education, and research. The need to question the standardized use of language, the underuse of Nursing theory, and the promotion of a more inclusive and diverse approach in Nursing are emphasized.



Fecha de recepción: 25/01/2024

Aceptación de originales: 08/02/2024


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How to Cite

Altamira-Camacho, R. (2024). Epistemology and critical reflection in the evaluation of Nursing theories: challenging paradigms and building knowledge. Lux Médica, 19(56). https://doi.org/10.33064/56lm20245004

