Santa Apolonia de Alejandría. Patrona de los padecimientos dentales. Su martirio e iconografía.




Saint Apollonia, Patron saint of dentists, iconography, toothache, Christian martyr


Abstract: Saint Apollonia of Alexandria was a Christian martyr. She endured brutal torture and was threatened with being burnt alive if she did not recant her Christianity, she walked willingly into the fire after saying a prayer, in 249 AD. According to the legend, Saint Apollonia was set upon by a local mob during an uprising against Christians.  She was attacked and her torture included having all of her teeth brutally pulled out or shattered. For this reason, she is popularly regarded as the patroness of dentistry and those suffering from toothache or other dental problems. Many medieval painters, painted the scene of Saint Apollonia's torture in The Martyrdom of St. Apollonia.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Hidalgo, C. (2023). Santa Apolonia de Alejandría. Patrona de los padecimientos dentales. Su martirio e iconografía. Lux Médica, 18(54).

