



Keywords, covid 19, lived experiences, families, Nursing Professionals.



During the months of the pandemic, hundreds of nurses put their life and their family’s lives at risk. Impacting in family relationship at home. This study aimed to analyze the experiences lived by the nurses family assigned in the Covid area.  Eight family members participated with “Snowball” sampling. To get the information they made a semi-structured interview in the house of the ones who participated in it. The interviews were analyzed according to the content analysis. From the analysis a category was originated, lived experiences and 2 subcategories:1) Positive lived experiences, 2) Negative lived experiences. In general terms in the initial phases of the pandemic it was observed an impact in the nurses family that worked in the Covid area. Fear and uncertainty stand out, however in the phases after vaccination the feeling of tranquility and protection arises, where a sense of responsibility and care emerged together with learning.  Strengthening actions in the face of future adversities that could put your health at risk. Finally we can deduce that the experiences were mostly positive in the face of the pandemic. Since the participants refer benefits, family union and Knowledge for their families and themselves.



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How to Cite

de León Delgado , K. G., Egure Luévano , B. A., Escogido Sifuentes , J. I., Robledo García, M. M., Torres de Luna, B. D., & Acosta Álvarez, M. (2023). EXPERIENCES LIVED BY FAMILY MEMBERS OF PROFESSIONS NURSES IN THE COVID AREA. Lux Médica, 18(54). https://doi.org/10.33064/54lm20234198

