Burden syndrome, anxiety and depression in primary caregivers of patients with pulmonary oncology.





Cuidadores, Ansiedad y Depresión


Introduction: The person dedicated to providing care (known better as primary caregivers) tend to reduce the priority of their integrity, seeking the supply of the needs of those who receive their care (especially those who cares patients with any oncology), causing the origin of multiple physical ailments, and also mental and psychological ailments such as burden syndrome, anxiety and depression.

Objective: Correlate the presence of burden syndrome with anxiety and depression in primary caregivers of patients with pulmonary oncology.

Methodology: Quantitative, observational, prolective, cross-sectional and retrospective study at a relational level, made up of a non-probabilistic intention/convenience sample of 100 primary caregivers from the entire state of Aguascalientes, México. The Zarit scale and the Goldberg scale were applied, with a reliability of 0.92 and 0.75 by Cronbach's Alpha, respectively.

Results: Among the primary caregivers evaluated, the female sex stands out with 72%, a presence of burden syndrome is observed in 56% of the caregivers, the burden syndrome-anxiety correlation presents a positive relationship of .208 (Spearman) and the burden syndrome-depression correlation it at an almost zero relationship with .041 (Spearman).

Discussion: A primary caregiver seems to be conditioned to present different mental illnesses, generated from their work and professional performance, coincidentally, there is a greater number of primary caregivers who are women than men.

Conclusions: In the state of Aguascalientes, the primary caregivers of patients with pulmonary oncology present overload, anxiety and depression and a positive correlation between the three variables.

Keywords: Caregivers, Anxiety and Depression


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How to Cite

Robles Esparza, A. de J., De Anda Roque, R. M. A., Casillas, G., Machain Cea, B. A., Portilla Nieto, M. F., Gallegos Alba, F. M., & Vera Romo, S. G. (2023). Burden syndrome, anxiety and depression in primary caregivers of patients with pulmonary oncology. Lux Médica, 18(54). https://doi.org/10.33064/54lm20233712

