Actitud del universitario hacia el uso del cannabis como tratamiento del dolor crónico


  • Gabriela Lorena Domingo Martínez
  • Karen Daniela Sánchez Carbajal
  • Nancy Viridiana Ruíz Vargas
  • Ruth Magdalena Gallegos Torres
  • Juan Manuel Oñate Romero
  • Sarket Gizeh Juárez Nilo
  • Ángel Xeque Morales



Objective: To describe the attitude of students of a public university towards the use of cannabis as a treatment for chronic pain, and to know about the phenomenon of therapeutic alternatives. Methods: This is a descriptive research in 250 university students who signed informed consent. A Likert scale elaborated and validated by the Delphi method was used as an instrument. Descriptive statistics were used as the method of analysis. Results: The general acceptance attitude towards the use of medicinal cannabis was 60.4%; also, the study found that university students trust people who use cannabis to treat pain-related illnesses and that there must be therapeutic places for cannabis treatment. Conclusions: Chronic pain is one of the most relevant public health problems worldwide and has a high impact on people who experience it. Because of this, various alternatives are presented as therapeutic options, and some have been approved for use by global organizations. Given this panorama, the health professional must know about the phenomenon to be able to intervene appropriately. LUXMÉDICA AÑO 15, NÚMERO 44, MAYO-AGOSTO 2020.


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How to Cite

Domingo Martínez, G. L., Sánchez Carbajal, K. D., Ruíz Vargas, N. V., Gallegos Torres, R. M., Oñate Romero, J. M., Juárez Nilo, S. G., & Xeque Morales, Ángel. (2020). Actitud del universitario hacia el uso del cannabis como tratamiento del dolor crónico. Lux Médica, 15(44), 3–11.

