Estado nutricio, presión arterial y su relación con la disgeusia en adultos mayores con hipertensión arterial sistémica de Aguascalientes, México
Introduction: Cellular aging involves a series of alterations in the body, including distortion in the sense of taste or dysgeusia, which can have a negative impact on the health of the elderly, for example, in systemic hypertension (SH). The relationship of the nutritional status with blood pressure control and dysgeusia in the elderly with SH was evaluated. Methods: Seventy-two elderly patients with SH were included, evaluating the detection and perception of salty taste using phenylthiocarbamide and saline solutions and their relationship with nutritional status. Results: 76.4% of patients with hypertension experienced a taste distortion to saline solution (p = 0.008). It was found that patients with higher systolic blood pressure require a higher saline concentration for their detection (p = 0.006). Conclusions: Decrease in the perception of salty taste can contribute to the lack of control of systolic blood pressure levels.
Keywords: taste detection, salty taste, phenylthiocarbamide, obesity, blood pressure
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