Impact of an interdisciplinary intervention to reduce physical inactivity in Bachelor Nursing students at Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes


  • Francisco Eduardo Medellín Marentes
  • Miguel Ángel Méndez Gómez
  • Jessica Biridiana Ramírez Pacheco
  • Nora María Rodríguez de Luna
  • Jorge Eduardo Durón Zúñiga
  • Nelson Bladimir Nieves Montañez
  • Nery Guerrero Mojica
  • María Alejandra Hernández Zamora



Introduction: Physical inactivity is a risk factor for morbidity and mortality worldwide. Objective: To
identify the impact of an interdisciplinary intervention in reducing physical inactivity in nursing students at
Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes. Methods: This is a quantitative, prospective, interventional,
longitudinal pre, and post-intervention study. There was a universe of 213 students. IPAQ (International
Physical Activity Questionnaire) instrument was applied with CI 95%; 32 students were included by
availability sampling. An intervention was performed with 32 students with low/moderate physical activity
(PA); two months later, results were compared. Results: Seventy-five percent of the 32 participants,
raised their PA level to a high level after two months. Conclusions: Young university students from 17 to
25 are physically inactive, mainly female sex. A continuous PA program is needed, to obtain a significant
effect, accompanied by interdisciplinary work with specific functions, contributing to the participants not
leaving the program. LUXMÉDICA, AÑO 14, NÚMERO 42, SEPTIEMBRE-DICIEMBRE 2019, PP
Keywords: physical inactivity, physical activity, interdisciplinary


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How to Cite

Medellín Marentes, F. E., Méndez Gómez, M. Ángel, Ramírez Pacheco, J. B., Rodríguez de Luna, N. M., Durón Zúñiga, J. E., Nieves Montañez, N. B., Guerrero Mojica, N., & Hernández Zamora, M. A. (2019). Impact of an interdisciplinary intervention to reduce physical inactivity in Bachelor Nursing students at Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. Lux Médica, 14(42), 65–73.

