The socio-economical development of the centralL-north region of Mexico ( 1985-1997)
desarrollo económico, socioeconomía, región centro, progreso, modernidadAbstract
The purpose of this research was to establish the situation of the
social-economical development of the central-northern region of
Mexico (integrated by the states of Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Jalisco,
San Luís Potosí and Zacatecas) in the period of 1985-1997 by calculating
the Social-economic Development Index that is integated by four
components that identify: the productive capacity of economy
(progress); the grade of comfort reached by the everyday life of
índividuals (moderníty); the grade of satisfaction of basic needs
(welfare); and the integrating conditions of social relations (social
lt was found that Jalisco was the entity'with the highest index and best
performance; even though the distánce wíth the second regional place,
Aguascalientes. was highly reduced. However. it was observed that a
considerable distance existed between the level of these two entities
and the indexes of the three remaining ones that form the region, so
that this inequality is a clear reflection of the social-economical
development differences that are presented at national levl.
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