Digitalizing Ethnography during the Pandemic. Methodological Adjustments in a Research about Mutual Help Groups in Mental Health
digital ethnography, COVID-19, Mutual Aid Groups, careAbstract
In this article I reflect on the methodological adjustments prompted by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in my research about care practices in mental health Mutual Aid Groups. I highlight the changes and continuities that the necessary transition to digital platforms as a locus of research has entailed. I start by outlining the point my project was at before the pandemic hit. Then I offer a situated account of the impact of the pandemic on my personal and professional life, pointing to its effects on my research. I then expound on my methodological reflections, showing how the use of digital tools required an adaptation, not a reinvention, of the ethnographic gaze; caused a reconstitution of the field; and created the need to reflect on these tools themselves. I also show the paths this adaptation opened for my research. I conclude by presenting the main lessons learned from the process.
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