The Use of ATLAS.ti in Historical Research: the Case of the Iconological Analysis of Funerary Monuments




CAQDAS, historical research, ATLAS.ti, photography, funerary monuments, iconological analysis


This article presents how the Atlas.ti software was used in historical research. Although the use of different CAQDAS among historians is increasingly common, the objective of this document is to present Atlas.ti as a tool that can help with the management and analysis of a bulky corpus of information. The case of the iconological analysis of the funerary monuments built between 1875 and 1930 in the state of Aguascalientes is presented.


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Author Biography

Lourdes Adriana Paredes Quiroz, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Lourdes Adriana Paredes Quiroz ( es licenciada en Historia y maestra en Investigaciones Sociales y Humanísticas por la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. Se ha desempeñado como docente en el Instituto Cultural de Aguascalientes, la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional y la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. Ha realizado investigaciones sobre arte funerario; cementerios y reformas urbanas durante el siglo XIX (ORCID 0000-0002-8606-8369).


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How to Cite

Paredes Quiroz, L. A. (2020). The Use of ATLAS.ti in Historical Research: the Case of the Iconological Analysis of Funerary Monuments. Caleidoscopio - Biannual Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 24(43).


