The experience with the pap smear in university students


  • Hannia Monserrat Salas Medellin Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes
  • Mariel Gabriela Portugal Lerma
  • Yerania Izamar García Frutos
  • Paulina Perez Macias
  • Debanhi Mariana Preciado Molina
  • Mariely Acosta Alvarez



pap smear, person, self-care, Nursing, phenomenology


Despite screening for cervical cancer, this type of cancer continues to present itself as one of the main causes of mortality in women worldwide. The purpose of this study is to describe the experiences of taking pap smears in university students. This is a phenomenological qualitative study, with an intentional sample of 10 students, carried out through semi-structured interviews. The information obtained was analyzed using the axial coding technique through two categories with their respective subcategories: 1. Experience, 1.1 Reason, 1.2 Emotions, 1.3 Knowledge, 2. Interaction with health personnel, 2.1 Information provided by personnel who performed the pap smear, 2.2 Treatment of staff and 2.3 Delivery of results. In conclusion, the experiences of the women who undergo the pap smear are influenced by the personnel who carry out the screening. Unfortunately, most of the participating women reported negative experiences, mainly due to the lack of information, negative comments towards the women interviewed, and the low empathy of health personnel.


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How to Cite

Salas Medellin, H. M., Portugal Lerma , M. G. ., García Frutos, Y. I., Perez Macias, P. ., Preciado Molina, D. M., & Acosta Alvarez, M. . (2020). The experience with the pap smear in university students. Caleidoscopio - Biannual Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 24(43).


