The Citizen Engagement to the Public Administration: A Methodological Proposal for its Study




Citizen Engagement, indicators, Public Administration


Although the literature documents positive outcomes of citizen engagement arising from the direct participation of citizens, an operative methodology for its study has not yet been established. This may be due, among other reasons, to the intangible nature of the term, that is, to the difficulty of materializing the commitment actions in tangible measures. This document proposes a methodology in which a set of indicators is obtained to evaluate the society's engagement to the Public Administration. The use of indicators is crucial to have reliable information that helps institutions strategically design their relationships with society. The scope and limitations of this proposal are also discussed.


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Author Biography

Paloma Piqueiras Conlledo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Paloma Piqueiras Conlledo ( es doctora con Mención Internacional en Comunicación Audiovisual, Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas, Máster en Comunicación de las Organizaciones y Licenciada en Periodismo por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). En la actualidad, es investigadora y docente en la UCM. Sus principales intereses académicos son la gestión de los bienes intangibles en el sector público y la relación entre el compromiso ciudadano y la riqueza de las naciones (ORCID 0000-0002-1485-8812).


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How to Cite

Piqueiras Conlledo, P. (2020). The Citizen Engagement to the Public Administration: A Methodological Proposal for its Study. Caleidoscopio - Biannual Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 24(43).


