The adaptation of violence in contemporary graphic creation. Consequences of the context of violence in the visual creator and in the viewer




violence, pedagogy, graphic arts, artistic work, contemporaneity


The following text is an analysis of the graphical results that started from an exercise where, the students of the Graphic II class of the Visual Arts Degree from the Universidad de las Artes, selected a news headline as a pretext for the creation of a graphic stamp, in order to understand the symptoms of a violent culture and the process of assimilation necessary to create a visual image. The exercise carried out by the students rescues an interaction on a personal level of the violence that surrounds them and an affinity of the viewer with the visual work, as it is related to the violence of their daily environment.


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Author Biography

Nuñez Alcazar Nuñez Alcazar, Universidad de las Artes

Yazmin Dzoara Nuñez Alcazar ( es Licenciada en Artes Visuales por parte de la Universidad de las Artes del Instituto Cultural de Aguascalientes, Yazmin Nuñez es productora visual y entusiasta de la gráfica. En el año 2018 presentó Habitad, exposición individual en el Taller Nacional de Gráfica (TNG), mismo lugar donde en 2016 una residencia artística por parte de la Universidad de las Artes. Actualmente es profesora de la misma Licenciatura en Artes Visuales (ORCID 0000-0001-6149-8939).


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How to Cite

Nuñez Alcazar, N. A. (2019). The adaptation of violence in contemporary graphic creation. Consequences of the context of violence in the visual creator and in the viewer. Caleidoscopio - Biannual Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 23(42), 13–24.


