Comparison of Quality of Life Components in Transit Migrants, Caregivers of Cancer Patients and Pregrade Students Using the WHOQOL-BREF




transit migration, caregivers, undergraduate students, quality of life, quality of life domains, WHOQOL-BREF


The aim of this study, was identify the differences in quality of life domains among three groups that are living different life situations using the WHO QoL BREF that evaluates four domains of QoL: psychological health, physical health, social relationships and, environment. A Convenience sample was used integrated by transit migrants (n=132), primary caregivers of patients with cancer (n= 100) and, undergraduate students (n=192).

The students group obtained the highest punctuation in the domains: psychological health, social relationships and, environment. Transit migrants were the group with highest punctuation in physical health domain. The caregivers obtained the lowest punctuations in physical and psychological health and, social relationships domains and, transit migrants group obtained the lowest punctuation in the environment domain.


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Author Biography

José Alfredo López Huerta, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí

José Alfredo López Huerta ( es profesor investigador en la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (México). Licenciado en Psicología por la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Maestro en Educación por la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes (México), y Doctor en Filosofía con especialidad en Psicología por la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (México). Sus principales intereses académicos son, la construcción social de los conceptos de salud y enfermedad, psicometría y factores psicosociales relacionados con los procesos de enfermedad (ORCID 0000-0002-4348-5154).


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How to Cite

López Huerta, J. A. (2020). Comparison of Quality of Life Components in Transit Migrants, Caregivers of Cancer Patients and Pregrade Students Using the WHOQOL-BREF. Caleidoscopio - Biannual Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 24(43).


