Interpretative Multiplicity in Responsible Research and Innovation Practices in 12 Countries: Analysis and Results
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), science, technology and innovation policies, RRI-Practice project, AIRR dimensions, comparative analysisAbstract
The article analyses the concept of “responsibility” applied to science, technology and innovation (STI) in 12 countries. By analyzing 23 case studies, the article shows how the notion of “responsibility” and dimensions of Anticipation, Inclusiveness, Reflexivity and Responsiveness (the so-called AIRR framework) are conceptualized in their respective institutional discourses, in the practices inspiring them, and in the barriers they encounter. The analysis shows how AIRR dimensions are conceptualized in multiple and often conflicting ways. In addition, the analysis shows how responsibility in STI is predominantly framed within three meta-narratives: a) responsible STI to address the great societal challenges (“Grand Challenges”), in particular the issues of environmental sustainability and social responsibility of science; b) responsibility understood as integrity and excellence in science backed by processes and norms established by the academic community; c) responsible STI as a reaction to science’s loss of legitimacy in the face of growing public disillusionment with “expert” opinions.
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