Anticipatory Science Communication. A Relational Architecture for Decision Making




communication, science, RRI, governance, anticipation


This paper analyses the potential that a framework based on anticipatory governance and the RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation) guiding-principle may provide so as to formulate anticipatory science communication that is capable of fostering an emergent and participatory process. To this end, the RRI concept understood as an “RRI-deliberative” dialogue is reviewed so that it can be complemented by a “RRI-anticipatory governance” vision where the communication process can be established by co-producing and negotiating future imaginaries concerning the societal actors’ day-to-day points of intersection, and oriented towards a sociotechnical decision-making process. As a result, a relational architecture for anticipatory science communication is proposed.


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Author Biography

Hugo Rubio, Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU

Hugo Rubio ( es máster y doctor en “filosofía, ciencia y valores” (Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). Es, además, ingeniero industrial (Universidad de Navarra), máster en dirección de empresas (Universidad de Deusto), MBA (Warwick University) y diplomado en marketing (Chartered Institute of Marketing). Ha desempeñado su carrera profesional en la industria de las tecnologías de la información (ORCID 0000-0001-8309-0942).


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How to Cite

Rubio, H. (2020). Anticipatory Science Communication. A Relational Architecture for Decision Making. Caleidoscopio - Biannual Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 24(43).


