Perception of an intervention in electronic mode by university students who consume alcohol
on line intervention, brief advice, alcohol, usefulness, ease of useAbstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate a brief advice web page, assessing their usefulness, ease of use, attitude, intended use, perceived confidence, perceived risk, as well as a list of dichotomous adjectives and identifying advantages and disadvantages of it. To this end, 100 students from a public university attended the study, 50 of them with low risk alcohol consumption and 50 with a high risk alcohol consumption. Descriptive data analysis and Student’s t test for independent groups were performed to identify significant differences between the groups. These differences were only identified in terms of ease of use, attitude and perceived confidence. Students with low risk perceived greater utility and ease of use of the site; reported a more positive attitude while using it and considered it reliable and nonthreatening in comparison to those with high risk. In general, college students consider that the website can be useful, because it provides relevant information about alcohol consumption to the user.
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