Substance use in young persons not in education, employment, or training (NEETs)
addictions, NEETs, school and work, focused interview, socio constructionist perspectiveAbstract
Drug use in Mexico in recent years has been a major health problem. In addition, it has further increased the amount and frequency of consumption of psychoactive substances primarily among young people, both those who work and/or study, like in those who doesn ́t do either, also called neet s, considering a risk factor not to attend school and unemployment itself. The purpose of this study was to determine the speeches of drug use in young people who neither work nor study. It was derived from the stories of 10 young people representing the situation. The methods used for the collection and analysis of qualitative data was through focused interviews. The results are part of the thesis “La construcción social de la identidad en jóvenes que no estudian ni trabajan”, among which stands out the speeches of the young people interviewed on alcohol as a way of social interaction among peers to “having fun” and also as a way to “forget the problems” they have, such as not finding a job. These factors may interact with the situation that young people do not study or work creating a scenario of greater “vulnerability” to substance abuse.Downloads
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