Internet use by Puerto Rican citizens in their relationship with physicians




health, doctor-patient relationship, Internet, survey, Puerto Rico


In this article we discuss how Internet utilization by Puerto Rican citizens affects their relationship with physicians. The article explores if patients share obtained information with their doctors, as well as the physician reaction to Internet information found by their patients or clients. In addition, it addresses the question regarding improvement in doctor trust after searching the Internet and if this health professionals recommended health web sites.


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Author Biography

Iván de la Cruz Cuebas, University of Puerto Rico

Iván de la Cruz Cuebas ( es profesor de comunicación en la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR) y Relacionista licenciado. Doctor en Sociedad de Información y el Conocimiento por la Universitàt Oberta de Catalunya, y Maestro en Comunicación (Relaciones Públicas) por la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón (ORCID 0000-0001-8413-2972)


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How to Cite

de la Cruz Cuebas, I. (2018). Internet use by Puerto Rican citizens in their relationship with physicians. Caleidoscopio - Biannual Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 22(39), 9–31.


