Netflix ¿and chill?




jouissance, gaze, repetition, social discourse


In this century, unbridled speed in all scopes of human life has  turned both time and experiences  into consumer objects. Following the democratization of the internet and digital media, the subject is faced with options that apparently  point to greater freedom but that are revealed ultimately as a manifestation of the imperative of enjoyment, such that the subject is  captured in repetition. Among other manifestations of this trend are the so-called streaming services, before which questions arise, such as Does the subject have a degree of control over these contents? Are we faced with an imperative that voraciously demands “Enjoy!”, but which now specifies “Enjoy looking at this!”? The purpose of this paper is to explore, on a psychoanalytic perspective, some possible answers to these questions, pointing out the scope of this imperative, as well as might-be options of the subject before it.


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Author Biography

Miguel Angel Soto Orozco, Centro de Estudios Psicoanalíticos Mexicano de Aguascalientes A.C.

Miguel Ángel Soto Orozco ( es licenciado en Psicología (UAA) y maestro en Investigaciones Sociales y Humanísticas (UAA). También cuenta con formación en psicoanálisis (CEPSIMAAC). Actualmente labora como docente de pregrado en la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes y de posgrado en el Centro de Estudios Psicoanalíticos Mexicano de Aguascalientes, A.C., y como clínico en el ámbito privado (ORCID 0000-0001-5797-4293).


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How to Cite

Soto Orozco, M. A. (2019). Netflix ¿and chill?. Caleidoscopio - Biannual Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 23(41), 9–23.


