Are women less tolerant of everyday corruption than men?


  • Evangelina Tapia Tovar Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
  • Magaly Alejandra Orenday Tapia Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes



corruption, gender, citizenship


Corruption is a long-standing social problem in which, men and women that do not feel part of it, despite the high rates presented by International Transparency and Mexican Transparency. One of the difficulties is to identify corruption beyond the actions taken by politicians and public officials. Studies (Zalpa, 2011; Lomnitz, 2000; Bautista, 2009: Tapia, 2011) have shown that corruption is so integrated into the culture that becomes “normal” for its society. Fighting corruption has to start with visualizing the problem and visualizing the participation of all of us in it. In the research study “Corrupción y jóvenes” (Corruption and youth), 500 university students expressed their opinion about corruption in Mexico, its frequency, and their participation in actions related to this. Men and women were part of this research to answer the question established by the title of the work. The analysis of this research is complemented with information obtained from the online course “El que no transa, ¿no avanza?” (If you do not cheat, can’t you move on?).


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How to Cite

Tapia Tovar, E., & Orenday Tapia, M. A. (2016). Are women less tolerant of everyday corruption than men?. Caleidoscopio - Biannual Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 231–254.