The ‘aesthetics of the oppressed’ and the ‘aesthetics of dissent’. Two political notions of art that collide in the ‘culture of collaboration’




aesthetics, oppressed, dissent, culture of collaboration


This article is a theoretical effort to find a connections between two concepts: 'aesthetics of the oppressed' by Augusto Boal, and 'aesthetics of dissent' by Jacques Rancière. In both there are concordances in regards to the inherent relationship of art and politics through a non-traditional pedagogical discourse; however, within this proposal the genealogy of both concepts is traced, as well as its possible relation with the 'culture of collaboration' in Internet communities.


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Author Biography

Luis Álvarez Azcárraga, Universidad de las Artes

Luis Álvarez Azcárraga ( es doctor en Estudios Socioculturales por parte de la UAA, maestro en Estética y Arte por la BUAP, así como licenciado en Comunicación por la BUAP. Se ha especializado en temas relativos al arte y nuevas tecnologías, y comunidades de participación en Internet. Profesor de la Universidad de las Artes y de la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes (ORCID: 0000-0002-7362-985X).


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How to Cite

Álvarez Azcárraga, L. (2019). The ‘aesthetics of the oppressed’ and the ‘aesthetics of dissent’. Two political notions of art that collide in the ‘culture of collaboration’. Caleidoscopio - Biannual Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 23(42), 67–88.


